Exchange Students - Application form

Academic year 2024-2025

You have to fill in the present application with a modern web browser (Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer 9). After, you validate and save the pdf file on your computer and print a copy. This copy has to be signed and sent back by post with all the necessary documents (see checklist in bottom of the pdf file) to the Institutional Coordinator.

The deadlines are May 15 for an exchange during the first semester or the full academic year and November 15 for an exchange during the second semester.

  • Home university
      • Department / faculty coordinator
  • Personal data
      • Legal address
      • Residence in Belgium (to be completed at your arrival by your host Faculty)

          • Street + nr

          • Zip code

          • City

          • Country

          • Mobile phone

  • Exchange data
  • Further information
      • Be careful! Accommodation will be attributed according to the available places and, for considerations of practical nature, in order of arrival of your application form.

  • Linguistic competences
      • French level at least B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Language. You have to provide this certificate (see checklist)

  • Previous and current studies
      • Important remark: join all your transcripts of records including those of the current year first semester exam session

  • Motivation